About Dynamic Muscle Comics

Our Mission

We believe that stories have the power to inspire, motivate, and open doorways to limitless possibilities. We at Dynamic Muscle Comics posit that “suspension of disbelief ” is a necessary component in our stories and our lives. DMC seeks to publish captivating tales of heroes that wrestle with pain and betrayal as they face insurmountable odds. You, like our heroes, must learn to break the weighted chains of realism and accept that you are capable of anything.

Our goal is to give yo u the power to acknowledge the barriers in your way and your innate power to surpass them. In the pages of our books, you will find unlikely heroes, nomads, and broken men and women who refused to give up. These characters recognize that salvation must and can only come from within. The characters in these pages, like our readers, are not victims of circumstance but creators of opportunity.

We hope you jump when our heroes are in danger. We hope you shout when our characters best their nemesis. Above all, we hope you recognize that you can create your own world of limitless possibilities.